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Grey cloud
Green bush


Reflections in the Clouds is a hand drawn 2.5D platformer RPG adventure that takes you on an emotional journey with a brave bunny in search of his long-lost father.

Main character of the game: rabbit in yellow shirt, running with a golden shield and a stick.
Wolf-like monster. Violet, has horns and big teeth.

Venture into a world transformed by a magical meteor impact, where you'll uncover mysteries, face challenges, and make decisions that shape the fate of the kingdom.

Green bush
Frame for the description text.
Green bush

Help to Save an Alien World

A fantastical image of an island floating in the mid-air, suspended by streams of vibrant, swirling magic emanating from its core.
Green bush
Green bush
About thegame

After a meteor impact transforms their world, two sisters contend for sovereignty. The elder proclaims herself the new Queen, while the younger reappears after an unexplained absence.

Frame for description text.
An expansive sky filled with large, fluffy, white clouds against a clear blue backdrop.
Frame for description text.

Fantasy realm with lush landscapes, castles, and undergrounds.

Kingdom where power struggles reign and character rivalries intertwine, harboring hidden truths.

Animated image of a golden coin with small green stones and a hole in the middle, subtly rotating back and forth in a clockwise and counterclockwise motion.
Green bush
Green bush
Green bush
Green bush
Green bush
Green bush
A rugged, rocky platform set against a cloudy sky.
Animated image of a humanoid snake, with a green body and human-like arms, skillfully drawing back a bow and releasing an arrow.
Image of a peacock's tail, hanging down and intertwined with moss and other green foliage. The feathers, while muted, showcase distinct hues of violet and green.
A rugged, rocky platform set against a cloudy sky.
Drawing of an elderly, mutated peacock, resembling a dragon with its horns and yellow eyes. The creature has skinny arms, wields a cane, and is draped in a long robe.
Green bush
Green bush
Twigs, sticking out of the leafs.
Twigs, sticking out of the leafs
Blue fog

Frame-to-frame animated boss fights.

Blue fog
Green bush
Animated image of a fantastical creature combining elements of a human, bird, and spider. The creature has a large, eight-legged spider lower body, a turquoise human-like upper body with arms hanging at its sides, and large, flapping blue wings. It is adorned with a golden helmet.
Image displaying a sequence of frames side by side, illustrating the animation of the fantastical spider-human-bird creature. The creature has a turquoise human-like upper body, a large, eight-legged spider lower body, large, flapping blue wings, and a golden helmet. Each frame captures a different stage of the wing-flapping motion.
Green bush
Green bush
Green bush
Twigs, sticking out of the leafs
Green bush
Green bush
Green bush
Green bush
Image representing a unique weapon: a diagonal wooden stick adorned at its center by a circular golden shield. The shield prominently features an engraving of a fox with vibrant green eyes.
Green bush
Green bush
Green bush
A rugged, rocky platform set against a starry sky.
Image of a bunny depicted as a wizard, sternly holding a staff and wearing a green cloak.
Image of a vibrant health potion, encapsulated in a clear, round bottle and magically floating in mid-air.
Frame for text

Meaningful Relationships: Forge impactful bonds with characters and experience the consequences of your decisions throughout the game.

Decorative lantern.
Green bush
A rugged, rocky platform set against a clear sky.
Green bush

The game is currently under development with a planned release in 2025. Please note that any information presented on this site is preliminary and may be subject to change as the development process continues. I appreciate your understanding and encourage you to check back for updates.

Stay tuned
A rugged, rocky platform set against a clear sky.
Image of a robot bird, adorned with a multitude of vibrant, multi-colored feathers. In its metallic beak, it firmly holds a shiny, golden key.
Image of a rustic wooden sign, featuring an illustration of two clinking beer glasses. An attached wooden arrow, pointing both upwards and towards the east, indicates direction.
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